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Huntingdon Couriers Ltd, the courier Huntingdon prefers, is based at the junction of the A1 and the A14, major arterial routes that go North/South linking London with the North and East/West linking Birmingham, the Midlands and the North-West with the great container port at Felixstowe and the port and cruise ship terminal at Harwich.
We offer a same day courier service that will collect from and deliver to anywhere in the United Kingdom. There is no booking fee or fuel surcharge and we are confident our rates will save you money on your logistics budget. All of our quotes are without obligation.
“I am so impressed with this company. From the first contact I received polite, confident attention. Calls were returned, commitments were met and communications were perfect. Both collection and delivery were impeccable. Highly recommended!„
Maureen C. - Peterborough
We recognise that our customers are struggling in the current economic climate and we are prepared to play our small part in the recovery by keeping our costs as low as possible but also ensuring our survival, as a same day courier service, for the future. This map shows how far afield we have delivered to in the last quarter. We will update it on a monthly basis.
Huntingdon Couriers Ltd offer a 24/7 service. However, jobs taken on after 10pm attract a small “unsocial hours” fee as a result of the driver being paid a premium rate. We will collect from an area with a radius of 30 miles from Huntingdon (PE29 3BD) and deliver nationwide. Alternatively, we are also prepared to come to a collection point hundreds of miles away and quote for a return to the Cambridgeshire area; flexibility is one of our watchwords. The others are integrity and reliability.
For a free, no obligation, quotation from the courier Huntingdon prefers, please use the email form on the website or contact 01480 426 540.
Huntingdon Couriers Ltd | St George's House, 14 George Street, Huntingdon, PE29 3BD
Tel: 01480 426 540 | Contact Form
Company Number GB9056434 | VAT Number 127 0921 31
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